Bad Advice from Losers
Friday May 31, 2024

Let me preface this by saying I enjoy work and I hate boredom.  I'll never understand how people can sink themselves into television or video games as much as they do.  Although I should mention I have spent some of my downtime watching Star Trek Deep Space Nine.  This show inspires me because it's about an organization of people dedicating their lives to working.  In their pursuits, they are learning, growing, exploring, and interacting with so many people.  They are living their best life while facing their biggest challenges.

 Man, I wish I cared that much about my career.  Thank goodness I'm already going back to college.

Don't work too hard!

My loser cousin would tell me this every time we spoke on the phone.  I was working my full-time job, a part-time job, and working to grow a vending business with my friend.  What did he mean by this?  Why would he suggest that I work in any other way?  Perhaps he meant I should consider working less?  And dedicate my time to what exactly?

Maybe he meant I should put less effort into my work?  This would be shirking.  How would I derive any pleasure, reward, or joy by delivering poor performance?

This cousin of mine was one of those fellows who left the big city to leave in small town buttfuck where life is simpler and commodities are cheaper.  At 30 hours per week as an unskilled laborer, he was fond of recounting to me the amount of work he does and the effort it takes.  I found this interesting because, in direct contrast to me, he never spoke of his goals or passions.  All he ever did was list how much work he did as if boasting.

Soon after rekindling our friendship, he asked to borrow several thousands of dollars explaining he needed it to pay rent.  Upon further investigation, his wife revealed that this was a scheme several months in the making where they would avoid paying rent and simply ask the family for money to escape the hole they have made for themselves.  My family and I agreed not to lend him any money.

Since then, his wife has divorced him and his house has fallen apart.  I'm sure glad I didn't take his advice of 'Don't work too hard" as I can see where this has gotten him in five decades of being alive on this Earth.

Make Sure you find Balance

This was another line often repeated by an old friend whenever I explained to him my goals and vision.  With the business being a steady success, my current career in place, and my new pursuits of returning my college, this old friend of mine made sure to warn me:  "Make sure you find balance otherwise you will burn out."

I could not help but think about this.  You know what burns me out?  Being bored.  Feeling stuck.  What do normal people do?  Do they attend work and then engage in non-productive activities as a means of alleviating the pain and burden of work?  I don't understand: I like work.  When work is good, it does not feel like work.  It brings me joy to complete projects and move onto the next big goal.

It is worth mentioning that this "Make sure you find balance" friend of mine has been unable to maintain any sort of job long-term.  He'd recent quit his job as a cashier for 'mental health' reasons.  He resides with strangers in a shared apartment in the city with few prospects despite his education.

If this fellow does not have the mental or physical capacity to hold down a proper job, then what business does he have advising me to find balance?

When I sit down to rest for the evening and engage in a non-productive activity such as watching television, it pains my soul if I do not feel like I am working towards my goals.  Such leisurely activites do not bring me balance but rather psychological distress and guilt.

My balance is found in eating good food every day,  getting a full night of sleep each night,  being physically active, and getting enough sunshine.  When I have all these things, I am balanced.  I do not need to balance my time.  Sleep balances my time for me.  The waking hours of life are mine to conquer.

You don't know how to relax or take a vacation

This is another line communicated to me several times by an old friend.

We know not to take advice from unsuccessful people.  It's interesting that I have been accused with being unable to relax or take a proper vacation.  Is this another situation where I should be wasting my time indulging in useless activity per the suggestion of someone with less work ethic than me?

I've been running circles around "You don't know how to relax or take a vacation" friend for years.  Interestingly, this same fellow questioned my decision to return to and finish college while taking the liberty to share his own unwillingness to finish school.  Likewise,  he did not take kindly when I complained about being stuck in our current positions.  He may be happy being comfortable, but I simply am not.  I like a challenge and it's time to move onto the next big thing.

What the hell do people do with their time?

My friend is always busy.

With what?  I spent the last few years working two jobs and growing a business.  I didn't complain about being busy.  I loved it.  I look back and I have a business and far less debt than before.

So I must ask:  What the hell are people doing with their time?  I look at my own life and recognize that I am comfortable.  I tell you:  Life has been a massive struggle up until the last few years.  Now, as I look back with money in my pocket, a house, a wife, a car that runs, and food in the fridge, I recognize that I am comfortable.

Comfort does not sit well with me.  When I think back to my loser friends, their undoing was the insane amount of comfort they had handed to them by their parents.  I once envied my comfortable friends - having the freedom to drink and smoke in mommy and daddy's basement.  More than a decade has past and these fellows are still living with mommy and daddy; Spending daddy's money on weed and eating mommy's cooked meals.

That's no life to live.  Now that I am comfortable, I am returning to school as I work my career and continue to run our business.  After all, it can all be pulled out from under me.  I've lived enough years to know that nothing is forever.

So what are people spending all their time in?  Stupid bullshit, I'm sure.

Well, gotta take the car into the shop since we opted for a cheap shitty car.

Time to drop the kids off here or the kids off there.  Gotta juggle them around all day.

Stuck doing this with this person or that with that person.

Gotta do chores to maintain our house that keeps us house poor.

Gotta watch television and play video games all night.

Grass isn't gonna mow itself!  Gotta get to it before the rain.

Need to spend time shopping for deals and cutting coupons instead of working to earn a better income.

No time for books or education.  College isn't in the cards for us working class folk.

This is all stupid lower and middle class trouble which I don't want to waste my life on.  There's still time to move on to bigger and better things.  Otherwise I'll be consumed by simple house chores thinking I'm too busy for much else.  Now if you'll excuse me, I need to mow my own grass which I assure you; isn't keeping me from achieving my goals.
