Broccoli Hair is Stupid as Fuck
Saturday March 2, 2024

Experts are calling it the gayest shit since Maroon 5.

Imagine that; You stop by Chipotle on your way home and there's a grown adult standing there in his pajamas.

Let's not ignore our own pasts.  Even the Millennials and Generation X teenagers had their own unique styles.

Generation X gave us badass punks.

Millennials spawned the emo scenester skater goth kids which took elements of the punks of the previous generation.

It is a natural course of adolescences for a child to leave the hypothetical nest and form their own identity.  Until that time, their styles had been dictated by their parents.  There is no denying the importance of need to develop one's autonomy.  The 2000s brought us this strange look that toaster hairstyles and grape-crushing skinny jeans.

How did we lose our way?

How did we go from stylish intentional outfits to the normalization of pajama pants and flip-flops with socks?  Perhaps this is the marker of laziness disguised as rebellion.   Generation X was referred to as the slacker generation, but imagine an era where a young adult is hardly capable of dressing themself.

Even the accents have changed.  Many are speaking with a dialect that would lead many to think that English is their second language.  While it would be very easy to tear apart the mumble wrap musical preferences of the modern suburban young adult,  we can acknowledge that most older generations will complain about the latest trends in music.

Sporting such a lazy hairstyle is reminiscent of how elderly women will retire their femininity by cutting their hair short.

As the Zoomer generation grows older, they will perhaps look back in disbelief to what they once considered an acceptable style.  We must also keep in mind that this is the first era where every teenager alive on Earth has the instant capability or archiving both photograph and video footage onto the global internet.  In retrospect,  it definitely looks uninspired in contrast to the badass looks of the Millennial screamo kids or the Punk Rockers of Generation X.

Also, let's not forget this awful boomer shit.